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Cocaine Use Symptoms: Mental, Behavioral, & Physical

woman showing signs of cocaine use

Cocaine use symptoms can include anything from uncomfortable side effects like nose bleeds, sleeping issues, and anxiety to extreme and long-term health disorders like psychosis, high blood pressure, and addiction. While someone may try cocaine one or two times and notice little or no side effects, it’s this false sense of confidence and security that’s […]

A Realistic & Grounded Relapse Prevention Plan Example

relapse prevention plan can help prevent and bounce back from relapses

If you are in recovery from addiction or mental illness, you likely know about the risks of relapse. Relapse refers to a return to using alcohol or drugs after being abstinent for some time. Some people mistake a relapse for failure. However, due to the chronic nature of addiction, relapse is a common occurrence in […]

What happens if you snort Gabapentin?

box of gabapentin

Since its approval by the FDA in 1993, gabapentin has been presumed to have zero abuse potential and is regularly prescribed for off-label uses despite increasing reports of gabapentin misuse. 40% to 60% of individuals with gabapentin prescriptions abuse their medication, and 15% to 22% of individuals who abuse opioids also abuse gabapentin. When people […]

Top 3 Hardest Addictions To Quit: Opioids, Alcohol, and Benzodiazepines

man in room struggling with addiction

Addiction is more than just a series of poor choices or a lack of self-control. In reality, it’s a chronic mental health disorder that deeply impacts the way the brain operates. This condition goes beyond seeking a momentary high or a temporary escape. Which are the hardest addictions to quit? Substances like opioids, alcohol, and […]

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Vs. Psychotherapy: Comparing Examples

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychotherapy are two of the most popular therapy approaches in mental health and addiction treatment.

Whether you’re seeking therapy and support for yourself or a loved one, we know how confusing the choosing process can be. There is a vast range of addiction treatment methods available, and it can be hard to identify the best option or route there. With research showing that 10% of all adults in the United […]

3 Reasons Why People Mix Ambien And Alcohol

using sedatives to fall asleep and calm racing thoughts can make the brain link drugs with feeling better, potentially leading to physical or psychological addiction.

If you’re thinking about or have tried mixing Ambien and alcohol, stop and read this informative article. Between 50 and 70 million Americans have sleep disorders, and around 84 million don’t meet the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep. It’s safe to say anyone would consider a diet, supplement, or lifestyle change if it meant they […]

How To Spot An Alcoholic Face: 10 Signs & More

The difference between a drink and an alcoholic face is if visual signs of alcohol abuse remain longer after someone has stopped drinking.

If you want to know how to spot an alcoholic face, chances are you know or have met someone who could have an alcohol addiction. It can be easy to tell if someone is drunk at the moment, but once they’ve sobered up, the signs of alcohol addiction and abuse can leave lingering effects on […]

Coming Down From Shrooms: Dangers & Side Effects

Shrooms, also called “magic mushrooms,” are a group of over 180 naturally occurring fungi that contain psilocybin, an inactive prodrug that’s quickly converted to psilocin, inducing psychoactive and hallucinogenic effects similar to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, and dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

If you want to know what coming down from shrooms feels like, this is the article for you. Many articles list benefits and tips on how to ease comedown symptoms, and we felt it was important as an addiction treatment center to break down the short and long-term side effects of using shrooms, if they’re […]

What Does Meth Smell Like When Smoked?

After reading this blog, you’ll understand why people use crystal meth, how it smells when smoked and why it’s important to recognize that smell, what meth labs smell like, and what to do if a loved one smells like meth.

If you want to know what meth smells like when it’s smoked, chances are you’re noticing strange odors in your house, at a relative or friend’s place, or even a rental property. While it might not seem important to recognize the smell of smoked meth, it can warn someone about the presence of illicit substances […]